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Image by Warren Umoh
Image by Braňo

Genetic Testing

VCP disease is caused by a pathogenic variant of the VCP gene.

It can cause multiple diseases including inclusion body myopathy, Paget's disease of bone, and frontotemporal dementia. 


Consultation with a genetic counselor before and after genetic testing is recommended.

Why is VCP Genetic Testing Important?

VCP disease is a genetic, adult onset, autosomal dominant disease. That means there’s a 50% chance a parent can pass VCP disease to a child.


Only a genetic test can confirm VCP disease.

graphic showing how VCP Disease is genetically inherited
Image by Braňo

VCP Genetic Testing and Counseling

Several VCP genetic testing options are available.

Physicians and genetic counselors can order testing for a panel of genes (including the VCP gene), only the VCP gene, or a variant that was previously found in a family member.

Genetic testing for VCP can be complex, but InformedDNA simplifies the process by offering expert telegenetic counseling and test facilitation from the comfort of your home.


With more than 15 years in the genomics industry, their certified genetic counselors provide clear, compassionate guidance to help you navigate your health journey.

Informed DNA.png

Complete the form below and a representative from InformedDNA will call you to schedule your appointment.

Call 888-308-1095 to schedule an appointment

(make sure to mention Cure VCP Disease!)

Learn More

Multisystem Proteinopathy Due to VCP Mutations: A Review of Clinical Heterogeneity and Genetic Diagnosis


VCP Gene Testing Article - Page 1
VCP Gene Testing Article - Page 2

Family Guide

Introducing our newest resource, "A Family Guide to Genetic Testing of the VCP Gene."

Image of a Family Guide to Genetic Testing of the VCP Gene Information Sheet
Image of A Family Guide to Genetic Testing of the VCP Gene Information Sheet

Apply for Stipend

For genetic counseling and testing expenses not covered by your insurance, limited funds are available to our VCP community on a need-basis.

Disclaimer:  Cure VCP Disease, Inc. is providing the above information​ to the best of our knowledge.  The organization is not advocating for any particular company or method. Consultation with a genetic counselor or clinical geneticist prior to and following testing is recommended.

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