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Ryan Peck - Kicking off his support for VCP disease research

Cure VCP Disease, Inc.

My youngest son Ryan looks like an ordinary twelve-year-old All-American boy. He loves sports, playing Xbox with his friends, and does well in school. Many of his teachers and classmates aren't aware that his dad has a rare disease and struggles to walk. Having a parent with a disability provides a different perspective than most kids his age.

Instead of Dad watching out for them, Ryan and his brothers are watching out for me. They help me assemble my scooter or rollator when we go places together. They are keenly aware that I avoid getting into situations where I could fall. My kids worry about me in a different way.

Ryan & Nathan Peck enjoying an Atlanta Hawks game
Ryan & Nathan enjoying an Atlanta Hawks game

We try to make the most of life. Ryan and I bond over sports. We love them all! We watch the Premier League on TV, go to Hawks games together, and lament when Georgia Tech loses. Unfortunately, I can't get out in the yard to train and play with him because VCP disease has limited my strength and mobility. But I CAN cheer for him and his soccer and basketball teams. I CAN coach him on how to dribble. I CAN support him in all that he does.

I am so proud of Ryan and his two brothers.

Ryan is supporting the I CAN MOVEment to raise awareness and research funds for VCP disease, including our upcoming gene editing project with Genethon in France. His personal challenge is to “SAVE” goals to cure VCP disease. His friends and family have pledged $1-$5 per for each saved goal. On Thursday, June 22nd, his teammates and friends are joining him on the kick-off challenge. The soccer club is hosting a kick-a-thon in honor of Cure VCP Disease with prizes and snow cones.

We thank Ryan's soccer club, Legion FC, for taking our family in. Having a team is such a blessing. Teams win together, lose together, and, best of all, they support each other in times of need. We greatly appreciate our team, and it's true, Together Everyone Accomplishes More! Our team can't do this without the support of friends and family. YOU have helped Cure VCP Disease raise over $14,000 (from 76 supporters) as part of the I CAN MOVEment! Our goal is $20,000! Can you help us smash our goal?

YOU are all part of Team Cure VCP Disease! Let’s do this! Let's find a CURE! Thank you for helping and being a part of our team! Yours in Hope, Nathan Peck CEO & Co-Founder Cure VCP Disease, Inc.

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